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3 Reasons Why You Should Use Awesome Cloud Hosting

As recently predicted in Garner’s list of strategic technologies, cloud hosting and computing is a top trend that will become essential for businesses and clients in 2015. Cloud hosting is paving the way for prompt, real-time service and deployment, and businesses of any type and size should adopt the cloud for security and excellent service. For businesses, Awesome cloud provides the right solutions needed for any business delving into cloud usage. With affordable plans, easy monitoring and controlling, and scalability, Awesome Cloud provides a strong backbone to your work.

Ease and Security

The Awesome Cloud Control Panel allows for easy use and monitoring of your websites, anytime and anywhere. From the control panel, you can easily install new applications, monitor performance anywhere around the world, and see clear analytics of your site. Built on the Windows Azure Pack, running your business will come with ease, convenience, and simplicity. In addition, cloud hosting keeps you free from worrying about any hardware problems affecting your performance, and Awesome Cloud’s security features will keep all sensitive information safe and secure.


As one of the most important features of cloud hosting, scaleability ensures prompt and efficient performance, keeping your business running smoothly and your clients happy. The flexibility of cloud hosting will ensure an up and running website, no matter the level of traffic. Clients will have unfettered access to your site, leaving you to never worry about limited access during those key moments for your business. The elasticity that comes with scalability therefore lends itself to better productivity for your company’s needs. 


Because you only use what you need, Awesome Cloud hosting easily saves time and money. There’s no need for new hardware, and cloud hosting can reduce overall spending on operations. Our three unique hosting plans are sure to provide for the needs of your websites with guaranteed support from our staff 24/7, every day of the year. The reduced operation costs will not only free up your budget, but provide peace of mind to you and your team.

To learn more about how we can better suit your needs, contact us.

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