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5 Mistakes to Avoid in Ecommerce

base 50If you have an e-commerce store, you know that it requires a great deal of effort.  It’s not a “set it and forget it” kind of project to undertake.  You have to optimize and ensure customers have the ease and convenience they desire with online shopping.  If your conversion rate isn’t as high as you expected, you could be making mistakes that cost you customers.  Let’s look at some things you could be doing wrong in your e-commerce store.

1.  No Marketing Plan

Failing to plan is planning to fail.  You can’t expect your site to magically have visitors who find and purchase your products.  Putting a website out there isn’t enough.  You can have the best products on the market, but without traffic your business will crash.  Make sure you have a solid marketing strategy in place before you launch your site so that you know how you’ll be getting traffic.

2.  Unprofessional Or Convoluted Website

Your customer should be able to look at your website and understand the services and products you provide within seconds of landing on your homepage.  If not, your website is too cluttered and vague.  With so many scams out there, people are hesitant to lend a site trust unless it’s proven itself to them.  Make it easy for customers to trust you and provide certifications and symbols of trust on your homepage.  Customer reviews are also great to list, so people can feel secure in their decision to buy from you.

3.  Missing Call-to-Action Buttons

Even if it seems obvious what a customer is supposed to do, you need a call to action button.  Customers expect businesses and stores to take the lead and provide them with what they need to do.  Just having a call to action isn’t enough, however.  Make sure you have a good call to action that is relevant and specific to your products.  It needs to be large and clearly in view.  Guide your customers through the buying process and they will be much more likely to act.

4.  Pricing is Obscured Or Unlisted

If pricing information is obscured, customers are going to wonder why.  They’ll become suspicious that hidden fees are going to come up when they reach the check-out cart, which will cause them to leave and shop elsewhere.  List your prices clearly and noticeably so that there is no confusion between you and your customers.  You might think of it as rude and pitchy to toss out prices when a visitor first lands on your site, but this is not the case.  You’re just providing facts about the items in your store and your customer will appreciate the clarity.

5. Poor Performance on Your Website

These days, customers have a very low attention span. It’s very important that your site pages load quickly and your customers get all the information quickly. To ensure you have the best performance, you want to be sure to not only optimize your application but to also assess your cloud hosting environment to ensure you have the resources your site needs.

Thinking from your customer’s perspective can help you optimize and improve your store. Try to keep things simple and fast in your online store, because people are there for the convenience.  Provide value, make it easy to act, and make sure you do your research and planning ahead of time.  If you need any help with your e-commerce experience, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d be happy to work with you!

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