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5 things your new web development company will say to get you switch from AppliedI hosting.

Geek GreetingsWith close to 12 years under our belt of offering strictly windows web hosting services we’ve seen our fair share of web developers move customers to ‘their preferred hosting partner’ and although most often we’re the preferred hosting partner, sometimes we’re on the other side of that situation.  In fact, the #1 reason we’ll lose a customer is because the customer switched web developers and the new developer insisted on using a different hosting partner or platform.

Now occasionally it may make sense to switch hosting providers, but more often then not, it’s painful, expensive, risky and completely unnecessary.  Not to mention, usually the developer just wants to maintain more control over your website and this could become costly and painful if you ever decide to switch developers.  So I thought, I’d help you out when you’re in this situation and provide a few responses when this comes up.

So let’s pretend you just switched web development firms or have just hired a new hot-shot in-house web guru and the first thing out of their mouth is “We need to switch hosting providers” here’s a few scenarios

So those are the top 5 most common reasons we hear a web developer tell a website owner that they need to switch hosting providers when they switch development companies.  It’s really most commonly not necessary to switch hosting companies and if you’re unsure we’re always open to having a conference call with you, your new development company and one of our sales engineers to discuss your website plans and needs.   Now to be honest, on some rare occasions it may make sense to switch hosting companies and believe it or not, if that’s the case .. we’ll tell you!

Have you heard a different excuse? If so feel free to leave a comment

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