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5 Tips On Using Pinterest For Business

I love pin + interestDoes your business make use of Pinterest—a social media site that lets you “pin” images to boards for followers to share and view?  If not, you’re missing out on the millions of users that browse Pinterest daily.  With such a number of people amassed, your target audience is probably among them.  Let’s looks at some tips to help get your business on Pinterest.

1.  Use The Business Account

When you start creating your Pinterest account, choose the business account option.  This will show that your business is professional and legitimate, and will help instill trust in the minds of your customers.  Certain things will be easier with a business account as well, such as selling products directly from your Pinterest page.

2.  Organize With Pin Boards

Your pins shouldn’t be all over the place.  People don’t want to follow content that goes off on tangents and doesn’t pertain to them.  Create themed boards to organize your pins.  These boards should have a main idea or focus so all your pins have a purpose.

3.  Have A Pinnable Website

Given that Pinterest is image-based, you’ll need lots of pictures on your website and you’ll want to make sure you have web hosting that is fast and reliable.  If your find yourself running low on image content, check out stock photo sites like iStockPhoto, Fotolia, and Shutterstock to find royalty-free pictures for your site.  Making your site pin-friendly also means adding a “Pin It” app or widget so that visitors can share your content directly from its pages.

4.  Pin Consistently

Pin regularly to let your followers know you’re eager to please them with consistent content. But don’t let frequent pinning affect the quality of your pins.  Pinning something just for the sake of pinning isn’t going to uphold quality standards.  Make sure your pins provide information and entertainment, and that they adhere to your themed boards.

5.  Hold Competitions

Contests and competitions are great ways to encourage participation among your followers. This is something fun for your followers to do, and it helps your business as well.  You’ll see a boost of likes, shares, and followers as you host contests.  Give prizes and incentives to the winners of competitions, and utilize apps to help your contest run smoothly.  Be sure to read up on the terms and conditions of Pinterest so you’ll follow all the rules.

Your business could definitely benefit from being on Pinterest, especially if it’s highly visual.  It takes time to effectively build a brand, so make sure you persist and don’t give up.  Aim for providing valuable content so that you can distinguish your business and establish a reputation as an authority figure in your field.  If you need any more information or assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.  We’d be happy to help!

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