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7 Work from Home Challenges and Solutions

Working from home is fantastic! No one asks why you are leaving the office early. No bosses or colleagues hanging over your shoulder. You can pack up and move to a far off destination for months. Additionally, there are no stressful long commutes. These are all part of the benefits of a work from home lifestyle. Currently, millions around the world are working away from the conventional office.

There are tons of information about the advantages of working from home. However, there is the other side of working from home that you need to know. First and foremost, you need to understand that working from home has its fair share of challenges.

Whether it is your first time working away from the office or you have years of experience as a remote worker, you will experience difficulties in one way or another. Here are some of the challenges of working from home and details on how you can overcome them.

1. The “Work in Your PJs” Trap

Working in pajamas is a common habit among those who operate from home. The reason is that most people love the aspect of pajama work, which, in reality, is a terrible idea. Furthermore, there is no one to impress around in most cases as you work from home. That is the other reason why you may fall for the temptation of working in your PJs.

Note that there is a strong connection between pajamas and sleep in the minds of most individuals. That implies that working in your PJs from home will most probably affect how you think, behave, and the way you see yourself. Also, you will hardly feel fresh and clean while working from home in your pajamas, which can impact your performance and professionalism.


It is normal to keep professional clothes in your wardrobe for meeting clients, vendors, your superiors, and colleagues as well. Although you do not need to be in a suit in your home all day, adopting a work routine that includes real clothes is not an option. So, stop worrying about what to wear to work and pick out some clothes to put on as you work from home.

2. Poor Time Management

The freedom that comes with working from home allows you to choose the number of hours you wish to work. As such, you do not have to wake up early, and you can work when you feel like it. The problem, in this case, is that working from home without a structure will land you in trouble sooner than later. “Normal business hours” are still in use around the world because they serve as a reliable time management tool.

You cannot afford to overlook the importance of proper time management when working from home. Otherwise, you will find yourself sleeping in, procrastinating, or even having to work through the evening.


Consider setting your workdays and hours and stick to them. Adopting a conventional schedule increases your productivity, and it allows you to spend time with loved ones as well. Sticking with the tried-and-true nine to five plan as you work from home can also help you reap significant benefits.

3. Overworking

When you bring your personal life and work under the same roof, switching off becomes a challenge. The reason is that drawing a hard line between when to start working, and when to end is quite tricky in such an environment. Also, it is not unusual for you to forget the importance of taking breaks when working from home.

There is also the risk of slipping into the never-ending sales mode if you work for yourself from home.


If you do not want to burnout as a result of overworking, you need to take proactive measures as you work from home. That will include;

4. Distractions

You may have a dedicated workspace and a work from home schedule. Unfortunately, that does not suggest that you will achieve the most each day. The fact that you have your belongings around, and there is a constant reminder of chores as you work from your house can make it hard for you to focus. On the other hand, your spouse or children will interrupt you at every opportunity if they happen to be home while you work.


You need to consider a separate home office to avoid distractions. Once you identify the ideal workstation within your home, remove distractions from the vicinity of your work area. Noise-canceling headphones can also address such distractions as your spouse watching your favorite show or your children playing.

You may also need to set rules with your family not to disturb you as you work. Ask them to assume that you are at the office so you can maximize the time you spend working from home.

5. Bad Health Habits

The tendency to slip into bad habits as you work from home is quite high. For instance, you may hardly resist the temptation to snack so you can get more time to focus on your work. Additionally, there are no common lunch breaks as you work from your house, which means that you may forget to eat. Exercise may also cease to be a priority if you tend to overwork. That implies that you may find yourself remaining indoors most of the time when you work from home.


There is no magic pill for bad habits for those who work from home. You need to be mindful of your health habits as you work from your house. You can achieve that by setting reminders in your to-do app or calendar to do some yoga or eat a salad.

6. Technology Hiccups

Your computer may break, and you may also suffer internet outage as you work from home. Such problems are yours to solve, and that can bear a negative impact on your operations. Accessing stable and fast internet connections can be a challenge as well when working from home. On the other hand, most public Wi-Fi hotspots can be spotty.


Having a backup plan is paramount if you want to overcome the challenges of technology hiccups as you work from home. In that case, you need a mobile hotspot device such as a MiFi or a cell phone plan that facilitates tethering. That way, you will avoid the frustration of internet outages. Also, a backup computer or tablet will allow you to continue working if you need to fix your main computer.

7. Loneliness and Lack of Human Interaction

“To a certain extent, your co-workers are your social circle. Sometimes it is hard to explain to others that all your friends are online.” Cody Jones

Family provides the much-needed companionship as you work from home. The implication, in this case, is that if you have no family members at home, you may suffer isolation as you work in such a setting. You may have internet access and such tools like Slack, but you may still develop “cabin fever.” That is as a result of spending too much time in the same place alone.

Also, note that you can easily fall for the habit of working from home all day. That means that you will hardly leave the confines of your house. The probability of replicating this habit going forward is quite high as well. Individuals who share offices with their colleagues experience impromptu “watercooler” moments of interaction.

Such employees may even go to the extent of sharing meals or after-work drinks. That is not the case when you work from home, where social interactions are rare.


Overcoming loneliness and isolation if you work from home will take some effort on your part. That is especially true for remote workers who prefer being away from many people. Some of the ways you can address this challenge include;


Apart from autonomy, working from home has multiple rewards. That includes the opportunity to work in your best environment, enjoy flexibility, and realize higher productivity, among others. The details above can help you overcome the challenges of working from your house so you can maximize on time. If you need more information on work from home challenges, contact us today!

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