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Cyber Monday Infographic: Prep Checklist

9 Point Preparation Checklist for High Traffic Websites on Cyber Monday

According to Statista, the 2013 Cyber Monday was the biggest day ever for U.S. online retailers, with online sales totalling 1.74 billion. What’s more, last year there was a 20.6% increase in online sales over the year prior, and the five days between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday was the highest five day online sales period on record.

So, the question is, are you Cyber Monday ready? Preparing for what could be your busiest day of the year includes more than just launching a new marketing campaign. Have you determined if your provider is delivering the best hosting for high traffic websites? Read through our 9 Point Cyber Monday Infographic Prep Checklist for High Traffic Websites and make sure you are Cyber Monday Prepared!

Cyber Monday Infographic


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