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Event Recap: South Florida Code Camp & IRWD 2013

Earlier this month, Applied Innovations attended two major conferences in South Florida – the South Florida .NET Code Camp and the 2013 Internet Retailer Web Design and Usability Conference (IRWD). This year, over 900 developers met at the South Florida Code Camp, and IRWD remained true to its smaller, more engaged crowd.

At the Code Camp, we were excited to have the opportunity to connect, learn and share the latest Microsoft-related trends with other enthusiastic developers and programmers.We also got to chat with some current clients and partners in the industry. The consensus of the attendees was that this round of sessions was the best they’d seen, so the event was a success!

IRWD speakers also delivered, covering hot industry topics like designing a website that attracts your target audience, how to quickly engage visitors, how to increase organic search rankings with SEO and more. Another favorite, unique feature of IRWD are consultations – online retailers have the ability to have one-on-one discussions with industry-leading experts in eCommerce, providing an informative and engaging experience for attendees.

Each year, these conferences help us fine-tune our knowledge of the latest industry trends in order to increase key metrics with online revenue for our clients. Some overall highlights and impressions include:

Overall, Applied Innovations enjoyed two successful and informative experiences at both conferences. Here’s some of the fun we had:





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