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More Power, More Speed. In A Week and On A Budget.

There’s an old adage our parents used to live by: Speed, Quality, Price: Pick Two.  Well, the paradigm has shifted. This case study illustrates how Atlanta Cutlery got a bigger, faster, more reliable web hosting solution from Applied Innovation without breaking the bank. And it all happened in a week’s time.

The Situation:
Atlanta Cutlery has one week to prepare its ecommerce website – – for a huge burst of traffic. How huge? Their best guess is an increase of somewhere between 300% and 3000%. But the bump is only expected to last for a few days. They need a hosting solution that can be quickly deployed, is scalable in real time, and won’t require a long term contract to implement.

The Solution:
Applied Innovations implements a creative, cutting-edge solution that saves more than 70% off the cost of deploying dedicated servers. By launching a fleet of virtual web servers and hosting them on existing nodes, additional servers required no additional hardware inventory, and could be provisioned in under an hour. The solution is scalable, economical and a complete success.

The Results:
Atlanta Cutlery’s MuseumReplicase site averaged 150,000 visitors per day over the three days of the surge, and the site was actually faster than it had ever been. Product sales increased significantly, and even remained higher than normal after the burst.

Read the whole teeth-gritting, nail-biting, white-knuckle story here. Make sure you’re sitting down.

>> Download the Museum Replicas Case Study

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