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Partner Spotlight: Introducing Engage Software

Building “[awesome] DotNetNuke websites,” since 1999, Engage Software possesses unrivaled expertise with the open source content management system. With extensive experience developing DNN products, Engage was the official DotNetNuke training provider until they sold their training to DNN core in 2010. We sat down with Jason Stone, Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Engage Software to discuss the company’s experience with AI, as well as the many impressive achievements the Engage team has enjoyed as a result of their knowledge, skill and dedication to providing innovative website development solutions.

Applied Innovations: Let’s start by discussing Engage Software’s team of DNN experts. What kind of experience does your team possess?

Jason Stone: Engage has a depth of expertise at DNN and in all things web, including cloud, mobile and social. We also excel at web strategy and UX-centric design.

AI: With so many software development companies out there, can you tell me more about Engage’s main competitive advantage?

JS: I really don’t think I can name just one! First, we are one of only 14 DNN Gold Partners in the world, and have been since the program was created. Many agencies dabble in a slew of content management systems, but we focus on one and only one – DNN (which was recently rebranded as “Evoq”). Also, all of our coding, which is of the highest quality, is done in-house – we never sub-contract work overseas. Lastly, we do enterprise-level development, which typically means larger and more complex efforts. In fact, I think the more complex a project, the more our guys embrace it.

AI: A team that prefers a real challenge? Engage is lucky to have such passionate and dedicated employees! It’s always great to hear and see such enthusiasm about a company. Engage’s strategy to focus solely on DNN seems to really pay off. Tell me about your most memorable success with a client.

JS: Again, do I have to stop at just one?! If we’re known for anything, it’s for the creation of a solution for True Value Hardware stores that allowed the company to have a consistent corporate marketing message across more than 3,000 store web and mobile sites, while enabling local stores to still have their own regional marketing voice. In 2012, we won a coveted award from DotNetNuke for our work on The site matches beautiful design with high technology and was awarded DNN’s 2012 Non-Profit Site of the Year.

AI: Yes, we’ve followed Engage’s success over the years and are endlessly impressed. Congratulations again, by the way! Any other noteworthy achievements you’d like to mention?

JS: Thanks! Well, we’ve been on a tear with organizations and associations in 2013 thanks to a new partnership with the powerful association management system, Protech. Engage is the official DNN implementation team for Protech-powered websites. Two very successful and recent launches include NACADA (National Association for Academic Advisors) and CHADD (Children and Adults with AD|HD), which in addition to being AMS implementations, were major website overhauls that involved thousands of pages of migrated content.

AI: We’re certainly honored to work with such an accomplished, reputable DNN-focused agency. How has your experience with Applied Innovations been and why do you continue to use our services?

JS: Engage’s own site is on Applied Innovations, which I think speaks volumes. We’ve identified real value in your cloud hosting packages and have recommended the solution to our customers.

AI: We greatly appreciate your business and look forward to our continued work together. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us!

If you’d like to contact Engage Software and discuss DNN development projects, Jason Stone can be reached at 314.884.2448.

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