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The Internet Infrastructure Coalition

security_wall_servers_400_clr_8810Last year the Internet on a whole was concerned by the SOPA and PIPA legislation, myself included and the hosting industry came together with the rest of the Internet community and helped speak out against the looming threat of SOPA and fortunately SOPA was stopped. Unfortunately, there still plenty of work to be done as more legislative matters come up. 

Earlier this year a number of professionals that were involved in the movement started a trade organization to help voice the concerns of the Internet professionals and bring the industry together.  That organization is the Internet Infrastructure Coalition,  I’m pleased to say that Applied Innovations is a founding member of this coalition and we will continue to help protect the Internet and always look out for the best interest of our customers and partners. 

I believe the Internet has helped foster global economic growth and will continue to do so, so long as it remains free and open and I’d encourage you to visit and stay up to date on the maters that concern us all.

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