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NAP of the Americas® – Our Datacenter

Since many of you still need more information on our datacenter, I decided to write an article only about this.

Being Terremark’s flagship facility, the “NAP of the Americas” is one of the largest, most significant network projects all over the World. And it’s right here, in Miami, FL

 The NAP of the Americas® provides you with a secure, reliable carrier-neutral facility with direct backbone access to the world’s major carriers. Via this massive connectivity, Terremark can deliver to millions of businesses and consumers virtually anywhere in the world any available service from any network service provider in the world.

Source: Terremark’s Corporate WebSite

Strategic Location
Miami has been ranked as one of the top-five best interconnected cities in the world, ahead of San Francisco, Chicago and Washington, D.C. Terremark’s NAP of the Americas makes Miami the only city in the U.S. where Optical, Ethernet, MPLS, Voice and Internet traffic is handed off in a single location.

NAP of the Americas is located in downtown, Miami, an area that has numerous telecommunications carrier facilities, fiber loops, international cable landings and multiple power grids. The convergence of telecommunications infrastructure is why global carriers, ISPs and other Internet-related businesses, educational institutions, and enterprises have chosen to become customers of NAP of the Americas.

Switching the majority of South America, Central America and the Caribbean’s layer-1, layer-2 and layer-3 traffic bound to more than 148 countries in the world, NAP of the Americas makes it the unrivaled gateway to the Americas.

Connectivity Model
Terremark’s Connectivity Model is second-to-none. As a neutral provider of interconnection services, we have every major global network in our facilities exchanging traffic. Currently, seven Tier 1 service providers provide us with our upstream access to the global Internet. This gives us unparalleled routing table access and multi-homing capabilities. Terremark requires these service providers to have at least OC-48 capacity to maintain connectivity to our network. With such a wide selection of backbones in our facilities, we are then able to provide heightened performance and quickly add virtually any approved carrier required by our downstream clients. Terremark continuously tests each backbone provider for latency performance statistics and compares them to client requirements to ensure SLA compliance.

“ Terremark delivers our Managed Router Service with a guaranteed SLA uptime of 99.999% over any given calendar month. Our MRS platform connects to the upstream service providers via a pair of fully-redundant routers with average latency of less than 15 microseconds. Our MRS platform resides within the same facilities as our upstream service providers, thus enabling maximum redundancy in carrier interconnection.“

 Source: Terremark’s Corporate WebSite

Physical Security

The NAP of the Americas has a centrally-located Command Center manned by security personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Security personnel monitor all security cameras, guard building entrance and exit access points, and control key card access to elevators, floors and roof areas. In addition, environmental sensors notify tenants and mobilize rescue in case of emergency.

Structurally, the NAP of the Americas is designed to withstand natural disasters and includes strategic features such as:


These are just a few highlights that I took directly from their website.
More info can also be found at

All our shared/reseller hosting servers are currently hosted on this Datacenter.
As part of our “security reserve” we also have space at the Telefonica’s US Datacenter

Needless to say, we have 24/7×365 access to both locations, so troubleshooting a major issue would never be a real problem for us. We’re just a few minutes away.

Sources: &

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