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SmarterMail 3

The streamlined web interface for
SmarterMail 3.x now includes
elements of AJAX, which means that
webmail performs more like a desk-
top application. A full-featured skinn-
ing system allows you to incorporate
your own design elements into the
interface, thereby helping with corp-
orate branding and further increasing
the comfort level of your users.

SmarterMail 3.x includes a very robust calendaring system. With
notification schedules, tasks, and recurrence rules, SmarterMail
3.x can completely replace your desktop calendaring solution.
SmarterTools takes suggestions from customers very seriously,
and due to public request, many new features have been incorp-
orated to make SmarterMail even easier to use.

Some examples include:

– Tabbed settings pages
– Hover preview when viewing messages
– Quickly add sender to a contact list
– Per-user time zone settings

SmarterMail 3.x now allows you to optionally connect your email
accounts to Active Directory, allowing you to manage your auth-
entication and security from a central point.
With the archiving option enabled, all incoming and outbound email is saved to a location on the server permanently. This feature is a must-have for any companies who fall under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
View SmarterMail contacts and appointments directly from Outlook using an advanced connector based on the same model employed by SharePoint.

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