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Spring into the Cloud with Hyper-V: Low Cost, No Fuss Performance Hosting

Applied Innovations’ Hyper-V VPS plans deliver end-to-end, highly available and scalable managed solutions that include backups, security updates and monitoring. Get enterprise-level performance for as little as $99.95 per month.

Got some questions before you’re ready to spring into the Cloud?  Okay, let’s break this down.

What do we mean by “High Availability?”

The Applied Innovations’ Hyper-V VPS solutions are designed to provide clients with automatic failover, which helps ensure 100% uptime.

Uptime = Availability = GOOD
Downtime = I couldn’t find your website so I bought from your COMPETITOR = BAD

What’s this about “Scalable?”

With all our Hyper-V VPS plans, you can easily and inexpensively increase or decrease hosting resources to correspond with your changing business needs. So memory, storage space and even additional virtual machines can be added or removed from your plan quickly and painlessly. You can scale up or down seasonally, or in response to the growth of your business.  And your site can easily be transferred from a virtual to a physical machine without moving all your data. So you can just go about your business, and you don’t have to sign a long-term contract or invest in all kinds of expensive hardware.

Scalable = Flexible = EXCELLENT

Rigid = You have to pay for it NOW and you are STUCK with it whether you need it or not = SUCKS

Why should you care about “Managed Solutions?”

This means Applied Innovations takes care of everything from backups, to security patches and OS updates, to monitoring your server.  All that stuff that you could certainly do yourself, but it all takes time. Which means it takes you away from your business.

Managed = No Hassle = AWESOME

Unmanaged = It’s all on you: updates, patches, backups, monitoring = DEFINITELY NOT AWESOME

And finally: are we just blowing smoke when we say “enterprise-level?”
We don’t think so. This means you don’t have to have a whole IT staff to be able to rely on your website to support your business. It means you don’t have to hire an engineering team just to ensure you stay online.  It means that your business won’t be held back by technology and infrastructure limitations… at least not when it comes to hosting.

So if you want performance and flexibility at a price that won’t knock the wind out of you, an Applied Innovations Hyper-V VPS plan could be your invitation to hitch a ride on the Cloud. And for as little as $99.95 per month, it might be a ride you just can’t miss.

Act now and you will receive free setup on our Hyper-V plans.
The $39.95 set up fee will be waived when you enter coupon code: SpringIntoVPS

>> Click here to signup.

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