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Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server 2.0 added to AppliedI-Labs

One of the great features of AppliedI-Labs is that we’re able to load new technology onto servers extremely early.  I’m pleased to announce that just a couple days ago the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server 2.0 were released and are already available on our AppliedI-Labs environment and will soon be made available across all of our production servers.  Included in this release is support for PHP Data Objects (PDO), the ability to leverage SQL Server’s Reporting Services and Business Intelligence capabilities and the ability to connect to SQL Azure.

If you want to learn more about the new PHP drivers for SQL Server:

If you want to test out the new PHP drivers today:

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About Jess Coburn

It's Jess's responsibility as CEO and Founder of Applied Innovations to set the direction of Applied Innovations services to ensure that as a company we're consistently meeting the needs of our customers to help drive their success. In his spare time, Jess enjoys many of the things that made him a geek to begin with. That includes sexy new hardware, learning new technology and even a videogame or two! When you can’t find him at the office (which admittedly is rare), you’ll likely find him at the grill or in front of his smoker getting ready for some lip-smacking ribs to enjoy with his wife and two kids.

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