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The Best Content Management System Tools in 2016

Content management systems have become more important than ever nowadays. They basically make a straightforward, clear distinction between code and content. For many business owners out there, that’s nothing short of a godsend. After all, not all of us have had the time to acquire various coding skills. Running a business is already time-consuming and challenging…

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Cloud Backup: Why It Works and Why You Should Use It

Cloud backup is rapidly becoming the go-to method of backing up data. It is significantly more efficient than other options. Disaster recovery methods have improved over the past few years. But they are not yet at a level where you can say you no longer need a backup solution. We wanted to showcase exactly why…

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Cloud Hosting: What Goes Into It and How It Benefits You

Cloud hosting solutions have grown to be considered a necessity for any eCommerce or web project. It’s no wonder why. Growing traffic is a goal most business owners have, but it doesn’t just take care of itself. It must be properly managed if you aim for the best business outcome.  In technical words, cloud hosting is IaaS…

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The 3 Top Challenges You Might Encounter with Azure Migration

If you run an online business, you’ve probably heard of Azure – the Microsoft PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) since 2008. If not, you will most likely stumble upon it when you consider switching to a cloud hosting platform. Cloud hosting became very popular due to its lucrative qualities as compared to dedicated servers. However, moving your data to a cloud…

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The Pros and Cons of Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery

Recent statistics show that an hour of downtime costs a small business around $8,000. If disaster strikes, you need to be prepared. It’s no wonder why cloud backup has become the next big thing. After all, business data can be lost quickly, and it can cost you everything. It seems that 51% of small businesses still use…

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How to Choose the Right Cloud Hosting Solution for an eCommerce Website

Global eCommerce sales are expected to reach 1.5 trillion dollars by 2018. This means that the massive expansion of online stores is not likely to slow down. To stay relevant in this highly-competitive environment, your online store will need to overcome several challenges. As the competition heats up, your cloud hosting solution needs to keep…

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