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Four situations where you’ll be thankful for scalability

When you select a hosting platform for your website, you can’t anticipate everything that the future may bring. You don’t know exactly how much your business will grow and at what rate. You don’t always know what your budget will be.

This is why you need scalability, the ability to change your resource usage when you need to. The following are four situations where you will be glad you picked a scalable, cloud-based hosting solution for your website (or sites):

  1. You find yourself in the happy situation of receiving a surge in web traffic, as the popularity if your website grows among the target demographic of your business and your potential customer base expands. The amount of server space you need also increases.
  2. You need multiple websites for your business or businesses. The number of websites you need changes with time.
  3. The amount of storage you need for your website and email significantly changes, whether by increasing or decreasing.
  4. The budget you’ve allocated to your website has changed, such that you need to shift from one hosting plan to another.

When you’re picking a scalable web-based hosting solution, you also need to make sure that when you change your resource usage, you can do so smoothly without an interruption in service. This includes making changes to the resources you need in situations that demand a quick response.

The service you obtain should be seamless, allowing you to make changes easily. If any problems arise, you should also have ready access to round-the-clock customer support. We pride ourselves on offering customers reliable and secure services that can change flexibly based on what they need.

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