Ways to Make Your e-Commerce Design Simpler for Your Audience
In the world of mobile, particularly, e-commerce opens new horizons on how e-commerce works today. The name of the game behind that is simplicity and letting the user be able to shop without any complexity or overthinking.
Simplicity comes in a number of forms, even though it doesn’t mean cutting corners so you look cheap. You’ll discover the best simplicity comes with true creative ingenuity and with a classy feel that looks professional. We’re in an era where too much clutter and overly complex and clunky ways to shop look amateurish.
Unfortunately, you still see sites like the above out there who think they can get by. Here’s some ways where you can make your e-commerce design simpler for your audience to give them a shopping experience made for the 21st century.
Making Checkout Simpler to Use
With Amazon referenced above, you probably appreciate shopping there because of the one-click procedure during checkout. While you do need to sign in to make it work correctly, Amazon’s model is still worthy of imitation. When you can store information on a customer and have it automatically applied through a one-click process, you make it easier for busy people shopping on mobile.
Payment choices, however, need just as much easy design. Make sure you have a POS system in place that allows anyone to pay easily with their credit cards. You should also allow debit cards since many people use those for shopping now, which allows you to get your money instantly.
Simpler Navigation
If you can successfully use one-click e-commerce icons during the shopping process, the size of those icons helps bring better convenience on smaller screens. Touch screens are standard on mobile screens, so having icons that are easy to click are an important element in your design.
According to some online sources, 45 pixels of space between each icon is what you need to prevent the fat-finger effect. The last thing you want is someone pressing an icon by mistake that creates major mistakes in their online order.
Even so, you may have to adjust the icons based on the screen size for the design. On a wearable screen, for instance, icons may need enlarging even more without obstructing surrounding imagery of your product.
Eliminating the Need to Fill in Information
As mentioned above, when you can use existing information to automatically fill in fields, you shorten the buying process. Those on mobile don’t want to have to type in information manually, unless they’re entering it for the first time. If they’ve shopping with you before, then you already have information in place.
The above should include their credit card number on file, plus shipping address. This only helps with one-click shopping so customers can buy something in seconds while at work or on their lunch break.
Redirects to Automatically Customize to Mobile
Nothing complicates e-commerce more than when someone tries to buy from you on a mobile device and your site is still in desktop format. Have your site redirect automatically to the mobile edition of your site so there isn’t any delay. Otherwise, your audience may have to scroll frequently to see pictures and other info about your products, which only frustrates at how cumbersome it is.
Contact us here at Applied Innovations so we can help you bring a level of simplicity to your e-commerce design. You’ll attract a loyal following when customers know they can buy from you without complications.
Photo Source / Desaturated from original