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What’s all the hype about the new greylisting feature?

Applied Innovations uses SmarterMail 4.3 for our windows shared hosting mail servers, Windows dedicated servers and Windows 2003 VPS Servers. One of the reasons we moved to SmarterMail 4.X was the promise of better spam fighting techniques and that Greylisting alone could deliver a reduction of over 80% in total spam making it through normal…

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SmarterMail 4 Delivers (HAM)

With 3 previous builds under their belt, the folks from SmarterTools have hit the bulls eye in more than one dartboard with SmarterMail 4.  For starters, today’s Internet users face a huge problem while digging for HAM and spending unaccountable number of hours macheting away SPAM.  However, SmarterMail 4 ranks a higher IQ than spammers by combining Greylisting and Spamassasin…

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SmarterMail 3

The streamlined web interface for SmarterMail 3.x now includes elements of AJAX, which means that webmail performs more like a desk- top application. A full-featured skinn- ing system allows you to incorporate your own design elements into the interface, thereby helping with corp- orate branding and further increasing the comfort level of your users. SmarterMail…

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